Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Journaling for Intellectual Intimacy: The First Pillar of Digital Learning

Image Credit: High heeled Traveler.blogspot.com
All courses are ecologies of learning. There is an interrelationship between each activity in the course – each activity affects the other. In order to get the most out of online learning I would suggest that there are three main pillars that should be a part of most courses – especially in social sciences and the humanities. These three pillars are: (1) Journaling, (2) Blogging, and (3) Discussion Boards.

I see each of these online activities as being interrelated and as contributing to different aspects of learning.

Journaling is an intimate activity between the teacher and the student. When I use the journaling tool for an online learning platform, such as Blackboard or Desire 2 Learn, I prefer to make those journals private – just between the teacher and the student. I do not choose the option where anyone in the class can see another student’s journal. The journal should help the student to become more aware of his or her process of learning. The journal should help the student track their own learning process and to take control over it, rather than waiting for the teacher to orchestrate every aspect of the student’s learning. Journals should encourage students to think about themselves as being active learners.

Journal entries also help the teacher to understand how different students learn. Students should describe the questions that arise as they engage the content in the course and the steps they have taken to deepen their understanding of that content. They should especially write about the mistakes they have made or misimpressions they have had, and what they have learned in the process of correcting these errors. Often they will conclude that their assumptions were not entirely wrong, but that they were too limited. Writing journal entries can help a student understand the limitations of ideas that they might otherwise apply too broadly and uncritically.

When students have an opinion, or draw a conclusion, it is useful for them to take the time to use their journals to write about how they arrived at that opinion or conclusion. What did they base their conclusions on? What led them to their conclusion? What evidence, examples, or experiences played a role in their arriving at their conclusions? What doubts or caveats do they have about the conclusions they have drawn? All of these questions will lead to powerful material to explore in their journals.

Students will often find that ideas that bubble up in their journal will lead to better blog posts. They will also find that interaction on the discussion board will trigger thoughts that they want to explore more deeply in their journal.  The combination of journaling, blogging, and participation on the discussion board is an interactive process that allows ideas to feed off of one another.

One of the biggest criticisms of the use of online learning platforms for instruction, even when they are coupled with instruction in the classroom, is that they are impersonal and reduce the amount of human interaction in education. I see writing journal entries as being a way to counter this problem of impersonality. The communication between the teacher and the student, in the student’s journal, can be a highly intimate intellectual experience. The teacher can learn more about how much effort the student is putting into the course, and how well they understand the key concepts, than any activity in an actual classroom will reveal. Journaling can help the teacher to know the student on a deeper level. The feedback that the teacher provides to the student, through the student’s digital journal, can be highly personalized and can provide a strong vehicle for individualized instruction.

However, even though journaling should actually make it easier for students to do well in a course, and the activity is a highly effective method of studying, most students see journaling is simply being additional work they are required to do in order to get through the course. Because they may not, at first, be motivated to keep good online journals I typically assign a grade value and a “rubric” for journaling. It usually looks like this:

Journals will be graded based on (1) how well you identify what you didn't know; (2) the steps you have taken to learn more about what you didn't know; and (3) further questions that came to you as a result of the answers you have found. Basically, you should write about your learning activities as you go through the course. You should have at least one journal entry for each unit of instruction in this course -- each entry should address at least one of the three questions listed above. By the end of the course there should be at least one journal entry for each of those three questions.

I usually suggest that each journal entry should run approximately 500 words, but because the nature of journaling is exploratory it is not unusual for entries to be much longer – perhaps 1,000 words – as the student writes in order to figure out what they want to know, what they want to say, and how they want to say it.

Good journal entries will show that the student is thinking and will make me more sympathetic toward the other digital work they have done in the course.

Because journal entries are records of the internal process of learning, and they give me insight into the depth of student engagement, I generally assign 40% of the final grade to journal activity.

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